Courses and weekly practice groups - Cursuri și îndrumare în meditație, Qigong și Laya Yoga

Cursuri și îndrumare în meditație, Qigong și Laya Yoga

Când îți place să practici pentru tine, disciplina apare natural

Courses and weekly practice groups

Intensive courses

These courses are held once or twice a month and they last 3 or 4 hours. People are busy today and many cannot come weekly. This way, in a single day, you can learn enough to practice by yourself for 1-3 months and make progress, and for those who want weekly practice, there can be up to 3 free practice sessions a week. Each intensive course will have one major theme like Wuji Gong or healing and I will be teaching the essence of what I have learned in the course of 10 years of weekly study, practice and teaching. You can ask questions, we can also talk (briefly) about subjects where you need clarity which are outside the scope of the course, we will have fund and we will practice together. There is a written material to help you along, which is actually a mini-website which I created specifically for my students. For those who really want to learn and help others, I am available for further questions and discussion. The most valuable and powerful things I can share are actually done in private and are free for anyone who is sincere in their quest for mastery.

Free / Open weekly practice groups

Each week I offer the opportunity for us to practice together what we already know, so that though practice you can get a taste for how it feels when you do these kind of techniques for an hour and a half, and my wish is that this will motivate you to start practicing at home too. I only hold these practice sessions if I have motivated students who can make a commitment to participate, but the opportunity is there. For now, the practice intervals are usually saturday and sunday from 10 to 12 (unless there is a course) and thursday from 18 to 20 at my place in Drumul taberei.

Every course is an opportunity to learn something new about how to improve the results you can get through those fundamental techniques mentioned at the previous point. Some of these principles, you can apply them while you travel, walk or even sleep – you can learn about grounding, how to sleep better, how to be more rested with fewer hours of sleep, how to walk without getting tired, how to breathe in more energy and how to protect yourself from things that are sapping your energy, so you can enjoy more health and vitality even on days when you do not have time to practice.

When there are no group courses schedduled, don’t hesitate to contact me for a private session!

Remember that after only one private session or group course, you can come to our free / open practice groups which can be held 3 times a week if there is interest among students. So you don’t need to wait for a group course. It’s all about getting started.

The keys to making progress in practice

I’ve been studying for 10 years the keys to making progress in practice and how to avoid wasting time and energy and the pitfalls which many practitioners fall into. Energy practice, like martial arts, weight training or playing an instrument, has certain principles which lead to improvement and there are things which can make one fail to achieve results. It is my desire to share the most effective principles that I know with those who want to know, and by knowing, achieve what was not possible merely by doing.

You can always express your desire to attend this course in English

Healing with sacred mantras

Next week I plan to hold a seminar about mantras where we will work mostly with Medicine Buddha. When I annouce a course without a specific date, you can write to me and express your intention to participate, and then I can take into account your preferences when I set the date and time.

You can always express your desire to attend such a workshop in English

If you want to cultivate health and balance by learning to work with energy through movement, stillness, positions, meditation and breathing then these courses are for you. Dacă vrei să discutăm detaliat despre o problemă sau să primeşti susţinere în vindecarea unei afecţiuni, poţi citi şi despre sesiunile de Consiliere sau Terapie.

Relying on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and on the even more ancient and profound wisdom of ancient India,
Qigong and the energetic techniques that I teach show you how to move energy through movement, stillness, position, breathing and intent
and help you get better and better on all levels,
– to increase your vitality and regenerate your physical body and ogans
– to enjoy a state of peace and enter the state of mediation by stopping your internal dialogue
– to balance your emotions and enhance your mental focus and clarity
– to create your own luck and cultivate the CAUSES which lead to the results you desire.

Find out more about what I teach in this page:

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CADOU: 5 exerciții speciale

Am pregătit pentru tine 5 exerciții pe care le poți învăța fără profesor, prin care poți să-ți crești energia, să-ți întărești imunitatea și să te echilibrezi fizic, emoțional și mental, luând astfel decizii mai bune. Abonează-te la newsletter și le vei primi în primul e-mail, urmate de multe alte informații și resurse utile.

Da, vreau să le încerc!

Subiecte abordate

Curs online de Wuji Gong

Vrei sa vezi gratuit prima parte a cursului meu online de Wuji Gong?

Hai sa vorbim putin despre tine si ce probleme iti doresti sa depasesti prin aceste practici. Vom avea o convorbire de 15min. la telefon sau pe Zoom. Iti ofer si cateva solutii practice, apoi iti trimit prima parte din curs. Daca te hotarasti sa te inscrii in 3 zile la cursul complet, vei avea o reducere.

> Mergi la contact

Azi nu e nevoie să urci un munte ca să afli unele din cele mai eficiente tehnici de Qigong. Am pregătit 5 exerciții pentru tine pe care le poți practica îndată ce le-ai citit.

Primește exercițiile și alte "secrete" pe e-mail