Private training sessions - Qigong, Wuji Gong and Laya Yoga - Cursuri și îndrumare în meditație, Qigong și Laya Yoga

Cursuri și îndrumare în meditație, Qigong și Laya Yoga

Când îți place să practici pentru tine, disciplina apare natural

Private training sessions – Qigong, Wuji Gong and Laya Yoga

If you want to learn in private Qigong, meditation and how to balance your energy and emotions, to make progress in all aspects (physically, emotionally, mentally, to heal your body and amplify your mental abilies), then private sessions are for you.

On the other hand, if:
– you only want to make small changes, for example in your diet or
– you want to receive support from the outside, in order to recover from a minor or serious illness, then
the counseling or energy healing sessions are better suited for you.

What you can study with me

Energy cultivation

Meditation and stopping the internal dialogue

Healing the internal organs
The internal organs also govern emotions according to Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Opening the energy channels

Clearing, energizing and balancing the chakras

Healing the physical body and how to help others, especially your loved ones

Breathing techniques

Improving your focus

2 Key aspects which concern especially those who have practiced Qigong before

The energy reservoir known as the Lower Dantien (Xia Dantien)

The microcosmic orbit


Laya Yoga (the Yoga of Sound, vibration or Rhytm)

Reiki and Karuna Reiki, two aids which can benefit even a master

So here is what you can expect from training with me in private in energy cultivation, and you can contact me at: sau 0745 151 227 to talk more.

These are the basic subjects which I recommend we start with. Hoever, if you already have substantial experience, we can focus on what you need the most. You can find more about the advanced techniques that I teach here.

Creşterea energiei şi meditaţia
1) Increasing energy and vitality through tehniques and lifestyle choices
2) How to conserve the energy and how to limit wasting it
3) Silence and keeping our kidneys healthy
4) Meditation and regenerating the physical body
After these sessions you will know how to increase your vitality, strengthen your immunity and you internal organs. You will also be able to stop your internal dialogue and regenerate yout body and nervous system by sitting or laying down in silence.
Emotional balance and healing
5) the internal organs and balancing our emotions
6) the meridians and how to make energy flow freely
7) the chakras and the mental and emotional aspects they influence
8) healing specific health issues and breathing techniques
After these sessions you will know how to heal your entire body and each organ as well as help others. You will know how to balance your meridians and chakras, thus improving all aspects of your personal, professional and spiritual life, including relationships, finances, communication and intuition.

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Azi nu e nevoie să urci un munte ca să afli unele din cele mai eficiente tehnici de Qigong. Am pregătit 5 exerciții pentru tine pe care le poți practica îndată ce le-ai citit.

Primește exercițiile și alte "secrete" pe e-mail